I have been drawn to art my whole life. As a child I attended an art school run by the Museum of Modern Art.

During my college and graduate school career I took a lot of photography courses and learned to develop and print both B&W and color negatives.

I became a programmer and then a computer consultant for over 20 years,

When I began with digital photography I felt like everything I had done both in photography and as a computer geek led me to this point.

The best way to learn something is to teach it, so I started a Photoshop study group for NYPC, the local computer club, which ran for about ten years.

I have developed several styles, each one evolving as I learn more about Photoshop. I am particularly drawn to expressionism and a style I like to think of as “Photo Surrealism”.

Because I was born with a neural eye condition called nystagmus I like to think that I see things differently from other people, I have no binocular depth perception. I overlook things other people see, but I notice things they miss.


Please feel free to contact me about prints or with comments about the photos.